Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Snack Time!!!

Just another day in 4K eating snack that WE GREW!!! 

It's days like today that I hope are etched in the hearts and minds of these students forever. It's their school. It's their garden. It's their food! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Little Work Goes a Long Way


4K students, along with their 2/3 reading buddies, had the opportunity to water, weed, and sample some of the wonderful foods in the garden.

It's amazing what children are willing to try when they grow it! 

We ate some kale, spinach, chives, lettuce, broccoli rabe, and even dandelion greens. 

Some children also noticed that the radishes are starting to peek through the soil an indication that they are ready to harvest. 

Many other classrooms are enjoying the garden as well. Whether it's working on math concepts such as real life application of area and perimeter, comparing the garden map to the real garden, or sampling some of the tasty greens that are growing in abundance, the LINCS garden has become a part of LINCS. 

A little work has gone a long way and the LINCS garden is thriving!

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Garden Map

Time to Water

Different classrooms have had the opportunity to water the sprouting plants over the past few weeks, though the rain has done a wonderful job as well. Here are some photos of the most recent watering sessions. Hopefully the purchase of a rain barrel will help make this process a little bit easier. 

Weeding, Watering, and Watching

Changes are occurring everyday. Those tiny seeds we planted are sprouting and growing FOOD!! 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Tomatoes Are Growing!!

The tomato plants that were started from seed several weeks ago are thriving in the greenhouse. So much so that they had to be transplanted into bigger containers. We planted some seeds at the same time in our classroom and can't believe the difference! One 4K student exclaimed "the plants get more photosynthesis time in the greenhouse for sun to turn into food."  They get it!! 

We are learning more everyday about the amazing things that come from school gardens including a deeper understanding about where food comes from and how it grows. 

Planting Day

Last week, we began planting in our garden. Despite the cold weather (even some snowflakes), numerous groups of students made it outside to learn about ways to make Earth Day EVERYDAY!
Adding the plants to our raised beds.

Working together, the students planted kale, dandelion greens, spinach, radishes, carrots, and more. We can't wait to enjoy some of these yummy foods before the end of the school year.
Learning about how to gently move the soil to not damage the young plants or disturb the seeds.

Check out the team work it takes to make sure each plant receives a gentle dousing of water.