Monday, June 15, 2015

First and Second Summer Garden Gathering

The first and second LINCS garden gathering of the summer were a definite success!  Multiple families and students gathered each of the past Mondays between 4-6 pm and will continue to meet throughout the summer.  Please join us!!! Bring a dinner, some containers for partaking in the harvest, and garden tools (if you have them). Stay a few minutes or the whole time. Pull weeds, water, or just chat with other families! We just want you there!!


Students are keeping record of the garden happenings for each gathering.

The garden was weeded, old plants were removed, and new plants were added. The garden is evolving. 

A group of 2nd grade girls work together to water the beds along with make mud water. 

Camden and Calvin (5th graders) plant rows of radishes that will be harvested in just a few weeks.

Students gather around Liesel to explore the materials collected for the LINCS Garden 
which included rulers, magnifying lenses, bug/insect viewers, paper, and writing utensils.

Students and their families measured, added new plants, weeded the garden, explored the creepy crawlies, and removed old plants which are finding new homes in the gardens of LINCS families.